Create a directed network shown on the figure below. Mind the labels of the nodes.
Transform the network created above to an undirected network such that an undirected tie is present if and only if there are reciprocated ties in the original network. Visualize the network and check the correctness of the result.
Compute the degree distributions (in-, out- and total) for the classroom network and visualize it with a barchart.
Select two other centrality measures. Are they highly correlated as well? What two measures would have the lowest correlation?
Look at the school liking” network faux.mesa.high
. Who
is the most popular boy? and girl? What grades are they in?
A version of this document with solutions can be found here.
4 Sociality and popularity
Check whether popularity in the classroom is associated with sociality. We will measure popularity with in-degree and sociality with out-degree. Answer the question by